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Wandsworth launches its new Night Time Strategy - a big thank you to everyone that helped shape this ground-breaking document!

A new, first-of-its-kind Night Time Strategy for Wandsworth was officially launchedin November 2023 and you can now download the PDFor flick through the interactive document.

London’s Night Czar, Amy Lamé and Wandsworth Council’s Deputy Leader Cllr Kemi Akinola headed up the launch, celebrating this important milestone for Wandsworth, London, and beyond.

The document sets out the borough’s strategic vision for the evening and night-time, focusing on:

  • The safety of women and vulnerable people moving around the city at night
  • How best to support night workers, including people working in entertainment, leisure and hospitality businesses, health care, warehouses, deliveries and offices
  • Ensuring the borough’s night-time economy thrives
  • Drawn up following extensive input from people who live, work and visit the area at night, inclusivity is at the heart of the Strategy and the document seeks to respond to all the feedback the Council received over the course of the project, hoping to truly improve the night-time for all.

    Thanks to everyone that contributed!

    Check out our interactive consultation reports on the Ideas Mapand First Draft Night Time Strategyconsultations, and our phase one consultation report to see how we got here.

    Wandsworth is the first borough to deliver a Night Time Strategy since the GLA recommended that all boroughs produce one. It will now set the precedent for future Night Time Strategies across London.

    The strategy includes recommendations such as better lighting and transport and encouraging a broader range of night time businesses in town centres – beyond just eating and drinking.

    Now that the Strategy has launched, the council will produce an action plan and work with partners including Transport for London, the Met police, businesses and community groups to deliver improvements. It will also be considered by the council when making planning, highways, community safety and licensing decisions.

    Deputy council leader Cllr Kemi Akinola said:

    “We spoke to hundreds of people before finalising our strategy because we know that how you experience the night time depends on who and where you are. Now we have set out our strategic vision, the work will begin in making sure that we can deliver the quick wins and long-term changes that will make a huge difference.”

    Amy Lamé, London’s Night Czar, said:

    “I am delighted to see the launch of Wandsworth’s new night-time strategy which will help local businesses to thrive, make neighbourhoods feel more welcoming and streets safer for everyone, particularly women and girls, after dark.” “Wandsworth is the first borough to publish their night-time strategy since the GLA's recommendation, and I hope this encourages other boroughs to follow their lead. The Mayor and I are committed to working in partnership with every borough to ensure our high streets, public spaces and workplaces are fair, safe and inclusive at night as we build a better more prosperous London for everyone.”

    More information on the project can be found on the Council’s website.

    If you have any questions or would like to get in touch email us at

    Posted on 5th December 2023

    by Blanka Hay

    Consulting on a new Night Time Strategy for Richmond upon Thames!

    Thanks to everyone that has given their feedback to the Wandsworth Night Time Strategy!

    While we finalise the Wandsworth Night time Strategy document, we have begun consulting on a new Night Time Strategy for Richmond upon Thames, starting the same process we did for Wandsworth last year.

    Though they are two very different boroughs, we know that some of you in Wandsworth visit or work in Richmond, or have friends and family there too, so if you have any feedback on Richmond at night please give us your views and send this around to your networks.

    Join us in developing this Night Time Strategy for Richmond borough by pinning your views on our interactive mapor leaving your feedback on our quick survey.

    As with the Wandsworth Night Time Strategy, this Richmond Strategy will cover all aspects of the night time between 6pm and 6am, from transport and lighting to shop fronts and safety, and provide recommendations for improvement. We are particularly interested in conditions for night workers, minority groups, women, young and older people, and anyone else that feels excluded after dark.

    Have your say now and help us in our journey to make Richmond a more vibrant and safer place. Tell us where you feel unsafe, where you want more or less activity and the places you would like us to improve at night. This information will help us build a clearer picture of night time activity in the borough, as well as to understand concerns and aspirations for specific areas.

    This consultation will be open until end of September 2023.

    We’ll be updating you soon on the Wandsworth Night Time Strategy too....

    Posted on 1st August 2023

    by Blanka Hay

    Final chance to have your say on the draft Night Time Strategy!

    It features a wide range of recommendations, such as improving lighting and transport and encouraging diversity for our town and local centres at night time – beyond just eating and drinking.

    You can download the strategy as a PDF hereand leave comments hereor read it online using the interactive image on the homepage hereto navigate the document.

    We want to hear from all people who live, work and visit the borough at night, so tell us what you think! You can leave comments on all the recommendations, or just the parts that interest you.

    The consultation ends this Sunday 14 May 2023.

    Posted on 9th May 2023

    by Blanka Hay

    What you told us about lighting

    April 2024

    Our Night Time Ideas Map collected over 770 responses, with over 50% of people saying better lighting would help them feel safer at night. Well-designed lighting can make high streets feel more welcoming and make it easier for people to walk and cycle at night.

    Several areas were described as poorly lit, which was particularly prevalent for women and girls. Wandsworth Park, Battersea Park and Tooting Common were two of the most discussed places. One respondent noted:

    ‘We know the risks to women’s' safety associated with this area which are exacerbated by poor lighting. Tooting Common becomes a place where only men feel safe after about 6pm in the winter.’

    The council has a duty to protect biodiversity in parks and greenspaces. This means that many are deliberately left as ‘dark sky spaces’ or ‘dark corridors’. Many local park friends’ groups, communities and other stakeholders are keen to prevent the loss of dark skies in Wandsworth caused by light pollution.

    In urban areas like Balham station railway bridge, Balham Travelodge, Southfields station and the surrounding area received a significant amount of feedback regarding poor lighting, although some comments are more positive.

    ‘The railway underpass...feels quite scary walking alone at night as there isn't a clear view all the way through the tunnel.’ ‘This is probably my favourite area in Putney and would not like to spoil it with more lighting’.

    Whilst there are mixed opinions about appropriate lighting levels in different places, lots of teams in the council are involved in decisions about lighting: from highways and transport, parks and biodiversity to planning.

    Wandsworth councillors have recently voted to invest in improved LED lighting in Battersea Park. Capital funding has also been allocated to bridge lighting projects and to bespoke boroughwide street lighting, however details of where this street lighting will be placed isn’t available yet.

    Get involved:

  • Tell us what you think about our draft Night Time Strategy by visiting the homepage - the consultation runs until 14 May 2024.
  • If you’ve noticed a problem with street lighting or illuminated furniture, use the following link to let us know: Report a problem with a street light - Wandsworth Borough Council
  • Posted on 19th April 2023

    by Nancy Collinge

    The Draft Night Time Strategy is now complete – now we need you!

    March 2023

    The first draft of the new Night Time Strategy for Wandsworth (and a first for London) is now complete, and people who live, work and visit the borough are invited to comment on it.

    It features a wide range of recommendations, such as improving lighting and transport and encouraging diversity for our town and local centres at night time – beyond just eating and drinking.

    Please read the strategy online and use the interactive image on the homepage to navigate the document. You can leave comments on all the recommendations, or just the parts that interest you, by 14 May 2023.

    Deputy council leader Cllr Kemi Akinola said:

    “We want our businesses and town centres to thrive, but we also want everyone to feel safe and heard – including night workers, women, people from the LGBTQI+ communities and people living in more deprived parts of the borough. Thank you to everyone who has responded to previous call for feedback and helped us create this first draft. Now we want to know if you agree with our conclusions and think we’ve come up with solutions that will make a real difference.”

    If you would prefer to view the document as a PDF, you can view or download the document HERE.

    Thank you for all your comments and feedback that have gone into shaping the strategy so far.

    Posted on 28th March 2023

    by Grace Crannis

    Wandsworth take part in the first ever London at Night conference

    February 2023

    The Night Time Strategy team attended the GLA’s inaugeral event at Woolwich Works, hosted by London’s Night Czar, Amy Lamé, to share our learning from developing the project in Wandsworth.

    The conference, held in January of this year, bought together an impressive array of speakers from many backgrounds to share their night time experiences from London and beyond.

    Councillor Kemi Akinola, Deputy Leader of Wandsworth Council and Cabinet attended the conference as a panellist for the ‘Big Debate 3: The future of London at night’. Cllr Akinola was joined on stage by artist Rosie Ferguson, writer & journalist Anna Minton, property specialist Kemi Oguntoye and planner Victoria Hills, chaired by landscape architect Deborah Nagan.

    The discussion championed the need to recognise, value and protect spaces at night for young people, working class people and global majority people, as well as the need to keep ‘an edge’ to our city at night by avoiding cultural sanitisation and promoting affordability.

    To end on the words of Charlie Dark, DJ & founder of Run Dem Crew: “We need to reclaim the night as a place of wonder and excitement”.

    You can view all the illustrated summaries of talks and panels from the event here.

    Thank you to the GLA 24-hour team for having us!

    Posted on 7th February 2023

    by Grace Crannis

    Have you read our phase one engagement report?

    November 2022

    The first phase of our research and engagement for the Night Time Strategy ran between February and June 2022. The mixture of events, meetings, panels and the first digital questionnaire reached close to 1,000 individuals.

    Learning from these activities has created a solid foundation for the draft Night Time Strategy and will feed directly into our recommendations.

    You can read the full report here.

    Some of the ideas for Wandsworth you’ve shared so far:
  • Better lighting that’s also suitable for the visually impaired
  • Creation of an LQBTQ+ space for Wandsworth
  • More of a café culture so there are places to stay out in the evening (with or without alcohol)
  • Clearer taxi pick-up spots in busy areas like Clapham Junction
  • More USB phone charging points
  • Cultural and creative interventions to improve safety, light and wayfinding
  • Thank you to everyone who has shared feedback or been involved in an event so far. There will be more opportunities to have your say in 2023, but until then you can still leave comments on our interactive ideas map.

    Posted on 15th November 2022

    by Grace Crannis

    The Deconstructed Disco launches in Clapham Junction!

    October 2022

    The Deconstructed Disco commission by artist Hanna Benihoud for the Night Time Strategy has launched in Clapham Junction. The opening event was attended by Deputy Mayor Sarmila Varatharaj, Councillor Kemi Akinola and Councillor Lizzy Dobres.

    The musical artwork is inspired by night time emotions which were developed with local youth clubs and aims to rethink how we can use art to talk about our experiences of place. The project will also help gather more experiences about the night time and point people towards our digital ideas map.

    A night time animation will be touring the rest of the borough in the lead up to the clocks going back on Sunday.

    You can experience the artwork:

  • Daily between midday-5pm until Sunday 30th October 2022, at the Open space by Falcon Road Underpass, 22 Grant Road, Clapham Junction.
  • Thursday Oct 27, 7pm-8pm: Courtyard behind the Penfold Centre, 1 Neville Gill Close, Wandsworth Town
  • Friday Oct 28, 7pm-8pm: Outside Roehampton Library, 2 Danebury Avenue
  • Saturday Oct 29, 7pm-8pm: Open space near Thessaly Road oppose 20 Ascalon Street, Nine Elms
  • Sunday Oct 30, 7pm-8pm: Opposite the back entrance to Sainsburys, Tooting
  • Posted on 27th October 2022

    by Grace Crannis

    Join us to co-create LGBTQ+ recommendations for the new Night Time Strategy

    October 2022

    We are teaming up with the Wandsworth LGBTQ+ Forum for a workshop to come up with new ideas so we can better support the community at night.

    We know Wandsworth has no dedicated LGBTQ+ spaces, which will be recommended in the strategy. But we also want to better understand the broad range of experiences people have out and about after dark and use the session to explore what a safe (and fun) night in Wandsworth looks like.

    Be part of the conversation and help draft some co-created recommendations!

    Join us: Tuesday 1st November 2022, 6.30-8.20pm Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill London SW11 5TN

    Please note: Battersea Arts Centre is a fully accessible venue. Snacks will be provided and the bar will be open for anyone who’d like to stay for a drink afterwards.

    Register here!

    Banner image (a place for everyone illustration) designed by Isa Bascuñana

    Posted on 17th October 2022

    by Grace Crannis

    Building gets underway at Providence House for the Deconstructed Disco artwork

    October 2022

    Creative night time

    Artist Hanna Benihoud led the second evening session for the Night Time Strategy installation at Providence House youth club in Clapham Junction. Young people who go to Devas youth club down the road also joined in to help spray paint triangles for the new artwork.

    When asked about their emotions at night, young people said they felt: 'hype', 'paranoid', 'relaxed', 'tired', 'eerie' and also 'fear'. We also talked about staying up late and feeling sleepless before a birthday and listened to music that matched the moods.

    What is the Deconstructed Disco?

    The artwork aims to spark conversations about the borough after 6pm (note: it's not a real disco!).

    It will be open daily next to the Falcon Road Underpass in Clapham Junction from Wednesday 26th October - Sunday 30th October 2022, between 12 - 5pm. There will also be a series night time projections touring the borough between 7 -8pm every evening. We'll be sharing dates and locations for each night time screening soon.

    Finally, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave a pin on the map - please share and help us to spread the word!

    Posted on 13th October 2022

    by Grace Crannis

    Hanna Benihoud studio holds a night time workshop with young people at Devas

    August 2022

    The first of a series of artists' workshops for the Night Time Strategy took place in early August at Devas youth club in Clapham Junction.

    Artist Hanna Benihoud, who was appointed to design and build a day to night installation, worked with a group of 8 young women to talk about their night time experiences and come up with new ideas for the project. The participants will help Hanna build the installation that will be based in Falcon Road in October.

    The day time installation will be installed by the Falcon Road underpass by Clapham Junction station, with a series of night time projects held at five different locations across the borough from the Wednesday 26th October - Sunday 30th October 2022.

    Posted on 5th September 2022

    by Grace Crannis

    The results are in: what you told us in our first online consultation

    July 2022

    The Night Time, Our Time online consultation was held between January and May 2022 to help us understand how residents, workers and visitors to the borough feel about, and use, Wandsworth’s town centres. We collected 438 responses - thank you to everyone who completed the survey!

    The data we collected will be used to help us better understand each town and local centre, as well as informing the recommendations in the draft strategy. What you told us:

  • The majority of respondents said they don't often visit Wandsworth’s town centres often in the evening or at late night.
  • Clapham Junction and Tooting are visited the most, with 34% and 32% of people visiting very or quite often.
  • Roehampton is visited the least in the borough: 75% of respondents saying they never go at night.
  • Visiting resturants, going to pubs and for shopping was the most popular reasons to go out in the evening , followed by travel and culture.
  • The most popular requests for improvements were more outdoor space for use in the evening, more cultural activities, music and restaurants.
  • Most people said nothing stops them going out at night, but some respondents said feeling unsafe, fear of crime and a lack of activities did.
  • If you missed the last consultation or have more to say, there will be lots more opportunities to to tell us about Wandsworth at night. Watch this space and sign up to email updates to be the first to hear about new opportunities to comment.

    Posted on 1st September 2022

    by Grace Crannis

    Chocolate Films, Publica and Hanna Benihoud Studio are appointed as part of the Night Time Strategy

    June 2022

    Pictured: Girls of Light installation by Hanna Benihoud Studio.

    An exciting selection of creative projects have been commissioned to support engagement for the Night Time Strategy engagement programme. The commissions are funded as part of the Government's PropTech programme that was awarded to Wandsworth.

  • Wandsworth based Chocolate Films will create two new films for the night time: WORK and PLAY
  • Design and research studio Publica will recruit 10 people from across Wandsworth to create a Sounds of the Borough playlist
  • Hanna Benihoud Studio will hold workshops with young people to design and build a new installation for the day and night
  • Watch this space for upcoming opportunities and events!

    Posted on 1st September 2022

    by Grace Crannis

    Our Streets performance that imagines Wandsworth for all held at Tara Theatre

    April 2022

    Our Streets is a programme for a group of 14-18-year-old women and non-binary people that uses live performance and film to imagine what Wandsworth could look like if we all played a part in designing and imagining our city.

    The performance was created over a series of workshops that explored themes about women's safety, the design of public spaces and creative approaches to thinking about places. We held a workshop with the group as part of the development of the Night Time Strategy that went on to inform our recommendations.

    You can find out more about Tara Theatre and Our Streets here.

    A city is a home. A place for adventures, venturing into the unknown to come out changed forever. A city is a place designed by intent and a meeting of people in moments that can never be recreated. We are here to make the streets of Wandsworth our streets.

    Our Streets by Beth Kapila and Tara Theatre, performed April 2022

    Posted on 1st September 2022

    by Grace Crannis

    Wandsworth wins funding to make planning more accessible

    March 2022

    Wandsworth Council has successfully bid for £98,000 to use digital technology to make the planning system more accessible to local people, including the development of the new Night Time Strategy.

    The funding is part of the Government's PropTech programme and will be used to commission:

  • A new digital consultation platform
  • Promotional videos
  • A creative public realm project
  • You can read more about the funding here.

    Posted on 1st September 2022

    by Grace Crannis