Have Your Say Today - People - Have Your Say: Night Time Strategy Wandsworth




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The success of the night time economy – and therefore the borough’s economy as a whole – depends on the continued and increased use of the borough at night. People are at the heart of what makes the night time vibrant and we want the experience of our town centres and the borough as a whole to feel safe, engaging, welcoming and inclusive to all so everyone is encouraged to use it. 

As part of this, we need to understand who uses the night time and why, and how we can draw more people out at night. This includes night workers, young and old people, and a special focus on the safety of women and minority groups.

Safety and activity

  • Many residents do not visit Wandsworth’s town and local centres often at night, and a large amount never do
  • Fewer people visit any of the town centres in the late night (midnight – 6am) compared to the evening (6pm – midnight)
  • The main reasons for not using the night time are feeling unsafe, poor lighting and a lack of activities 
  • Aggressive drunken behaviour and street harassment by men is an issue
  • Many people with protected characteristics such as women and the LGBTQI+ community do not feel safe in the borough at night
  • Women’s perception of night time is still affected by the tragic death of Sarah Everard 
  • More activity (places open later), CCTV, more police, male education, rough sleeper support and better lighting is needed to improve safety at night
  • People do not know what is happening in their town centres and require better communication

Young people

  • Many young people do not feel safe travelling around the borough at night alone and they have nowhere to get help if phone batteries die
  • Young people want and need more places to go to feel more connected to their communities, and where their parents can feel they are safe
  • Violence amongst young people at night often starts with a disagreement in school  
  • The youth community feels unsupported by the police and there is distrust between young people and the police  

Night workers

  • Night workers are anxious about going home at night, especially down quiet, dark roads. Many have had negative experiences
  • Transport is a key issue, with unreliable and expensive options in the borough at night
  • There a lack of amenities for people working in the night

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