Have Your Say Today - Place - Have Your Say: Night Time Strategy Wandsworth




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A place is made up of buildings, roads, parks and spaces, but the success of a place is more than just the sum of its parts.

All the different elements of a place create a feeling, a sense, a ‘vibe’: if they work well together, these factors can make town centres feel vibrant, fun and welcoming at night.

We want to explore what makes a place a positive experience at night, and how we can transport these learnings across the borough.  

A place for everyone

  • You visit your town and local centres mostly for restaurants, pubs and shopping in the evenings (6pm – midnight)
  • Pubs are the main reason for visiting town and local centres in the late night (midnight - 6am)
  • You asked for more culture, especially music venues and outdoor performances
  • Businesses at night mostly cater to the younger, more affluent section of the community
  • Need to celebrate the magic of community and cultural spaces across the borough with more activities and events
  • Need more youth clubs, sports facilities and safe places where young people can spend time during the evening
  • Need a wider range of later opening businesses, not just surrounding alcohol, to activate streets for safety and help local economy prosper

Design our centres for the night

  • A lot of shop windows are dark or have shutters down at night and create dark patches
  • Disused spaces, empty units and railway arches should be used where possible
  • More creative and warm street lights wanted, with better colours

Parks and open spaces

  • Many people are scared of using parks at night  
  • More outdoor spaces wanted for the community to use in the evenings
  • Businesses, residents and visitors have welcomed the pedestrianisation of streets in the borough
  • Businesses outside of pedestrianised zones felt left out and would like to be included in creative solutions for attracting footfall too 
  • The river is underused and could connect better to the night time econom

Click on each category below to read our recommendations for Place

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